NSPC and Brian Snyder, MD: Advances in Neuromodulation for Patients with Chronic Pain
By Robin Overbay Technological advances in medicine have resulted in more versatile and more effective neuromodulation devices that can aid in improved control of various types of chronic pain. NSPC leads the way on Long Island in making these advances available for patients. Around one-fifth of the adult population in the U.S. reports having experienced …
NSPC and Brian Snyder, MD: Advances in Neuromodulation for Patients with Chronic Pain Read More »
Hesham Atwa, MD, FACS, FASMBS, and Long Island Laparoscopic Doctors: Genetic Obesity Resolved through Adolescent Bariatric Surgery
By Daniel K. Brantley For appropriate adolescent patients, bariatric surgery overcomes genetic propensity to obesity, though the exact mechanism is yet unknown. Charts and percentiles determine weight goals within the adolescent population. Those young patients whose weight goes beyond the ideal traditionally have a single prescription: a healthy lifestyle, including diet and exercise. Unfortunately, this …
Give the People What They Want — But Not So Fast
By Gregory J. Radomisli, Esq. and Nicole S. Barresi, Esq. Typically, when a hospital or provider receives HIPAA authorization and a patient waives the physician-patient confidentiality of treatment records, the records can be produced to the patient and any third parties the patient authorizes. However, providers of mental health care should be aware that in …
Give the People What They Want — But Not So Fast Read More »
Roth IRA Conversions
What are your choices? What are the benefits? If you own an individual retirement account (IRA), perhaps you have heard about Roth IRA conversions. Converting your traditional IRA to a Roth IRA might be a sound financial move, depending on your situation. But remember, this article is for informational purposes only, not a replacement for …
People in the News
Martin Clearwater & Bell LLP is proud to announce the promotion of five attorneys to their team of partners in the medical malpractice area. The firm has developed its reputation as New York’s premier medical malpractice defense law firm by defending the interests of healthcare professionals in malpractice suits for 100 years. The firm also …
Local News
Stony Brook Southampton Hospital has earned The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval and the American Stroke Association’s Heart-Check mark for Primary Certification. To achieve the Primary Stroke designation, the hospital underwent a rigorous on-site review. During the visit, a team of reviewers from The Joint Commission conducted observations and interviews and evaluated compliance with …